Holy Rosary Gala

An Evening of Sacred Music

October 4th at 6:00PM

The 2024 Holy Rosary Gala Initiative

Support for Our Sacred Music Program

As defined by the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy, Sacrosanctum Concilium, Sacred Music surpasses merely religious music when it is joined to the liturgy to become “a necessary and integral part of the solemn liturgy,” whose purpose is “the glory of God and the sanctification of the faithful.”

Here at Holy Rosary we want to offer the very best to God, to lift our hearts and minds to the Lord, and doing so requires music which is led by those who have learned the art. To do this requires organists, cantors, new music, and a director of music. We want to regularly have two cantors at each of the Sunday Masses, and a schola for both the 9:30AM and 11:00AM Mass. We want to be able to celebrate the great feasts of the Church with both new and ancient music led by those who are trained in this art and to do this we need your support.

Support the Sacred Music Program

Our hope is that Holy Rosary can continue to be a place where we are nourished intellectually and sacramentally through the beauty of the liturgy. In partnership with our gala hosts, Fisher and Maria Reynolds, we are asking you to consider sponsoring our gala so we can continue to grow our Sacred Music program.

  • We are looking for sponsorships at the following levels:

    • St. Dominic: $15,000 & above

    • St. Catherine: $10,000 & above

    • St. Martin de Porres: $5,000 & above

    • St. Rose of Lima: $2,500 & Above

    The St. Dominic, St. Catherine, and St. Martin de Porres sponsorships include a table for eight at the gala dinner and recognition in any printed materials. St. Rose of Lima includes (4) tickets to the gala and recognition in any printed material.

  • We are also in need of particularly wonderful items or experiences that for our silent auction such as fine wine, a weekend getaway, fine art, or the like. To donate, please reach out to Father Joseph Paul or to Fisher & Maria, at fisher.mariareynoldsholyrosary@gmail.com

Tickets for both tables and individuals are available and can be purchased by clicking the button below.

Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for Holy Rosary!

When it is truly beautiful and inspired, [music] speaks to us more than all the other arts of goodness, virtue, peace, of matters holy and divine. For good reason it has always been, and it will always be, an essential part of the liturgy.
— St. John Paul II
    • Friday, October 4th at 6:00PM- Gala Dinner with Sr. Mary Angelica, OP

    • 5:15PM- Mass in honor of St. Francis *optional

    • 6:00PM- Move to courtyard for the cocktail hour & silent auction

    • 7:00PM- Sacred Music, Opening Prayer

    • 7:10PM- Sister Mary Angelica’s talk begins

    • 7:30PM- Dinner served

    • 8:30PM- Music from the Octet, Closing Prayer

  • On the evening of October 4th, 2024 at 6:00PM we will gather to pray, prayerfully listen to Sacred Music, dine together, and listen to Sr. Mary Angelica Neenan, OP.

    Sr. Mary Angelica is currently a professor of theology at the University of Dallas. She earned her doctorate in moral theology from the Angelicum in Rome, has taught every grade level, and is a trained portrait painter.

    Her commitment to the truth, to Dominican life, and to the beauty of sacred art and music is exemplary. She will share her thoughts on the place of art and beauty in the liturgy, looking at the work Pope Benedict XVI and St. Thomas Aquinas.

    We will have a schola, led by our Director of Sacred Music, Matthew Lydick, that will share the quality of music we have been performing and hope to continue to perform. We will also dine together and enjoy one another’s company. You will have the opportunity to support this endeavor as we take the best of the past and sing with hope into the future.

Beauty tends to lift a person out of himself, to touch the heart in a way that moves the person from what we might call his routine existence, in and for himself, toward that which is more than himself.
— Dr. Jeffrey Mirus

Meet Our Gala Speaker

“The Importance of Sacred Art and Sacred Music”

Sister Mary Angelica Neenan, O.P., S.T.D., earned her doctorate from the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome in Moral Theology in 2011. Having taught all grades as well as college since 1994, she also directed the study abroad program for Aquinas College in Bracciano, Italy, for 3 years. Sister Mary Angelica is a trained portrait painter, having studied in Boston, MA. She considers Theology as an inexhaustible contemplation of the mystery of God, and is delighted to be a part of the UD Theology faculty.

S.T.D., Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome
S.T.L., Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome
S.T.B., Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas, Rome
B.A., Art, Belmont University, Nashville, TN, Cert. Education 1-12